System control diagrams
Rebuild EFB tags and Rebuild sequence index specific updates available only in Admin mode Size and font update for Sequence shapes fixed Sequence step T min and T max fields width adjusted
“Rebuild Sequence shapes indexes” specific update includes conditions/actions and branch shapes (added branch shapes to update)
Sequence shapes size adjusted Added Update diagram function for sequence shapes size Added CA function block mode check in check diagram Added automatic AML export type determination by Visio sheet name Sequence step shape font adjusted Added AML indexing for sequence parallel and alt branch shapes (indexing specific update should be performed for existing sequences) Added new Subsea reference shape Pulse, Timer, Inverter and Constant (Parameter) automatic tag name changed Added specific update to rename Pulse, Timer, Inverter and Constant
Fixed signal type check in check diagram
Fixed profile selection in application parameters Fixed signal type check in check diagram
Changed profiles location in remote directory. Removed Profiles subfolder Added automatic indexing on Action reference and Condition reference. Indexes are used in names in AML export Added Rebuild Sequence Condition/Action indexes specific update
Fixed issue with blank settings field in Application parameters window
Added Signal type (analogue/digital) check into Check Diagram Added ability to turn on/off incompatible terminal signal type warning in application parameters Added sequence shapes support for Not Valid Terminals check in Check Diagram Added Define AML function for not SCD shapes Added shape data labels for AML defined shapes New Application parameters window design Added sequence re-tag function Added Y signal type for HB function blocks (AML export supported) Sequence reference shape updated Resize behavior changed for Condition reference and Action reference shapes Added resize ability for Heater shape Fixed draggable description and tag labels on Control panel shape Added connection manager support for Damper shapes Removed length limit on two pin transmitter shape
Added type B for 3 position disconnector shape Removed unused shapedata from Vessel and Column shapes Added ability to include tag tooltip in export to PDF Added Hammerfest AML export method into profiles Application parameters window size adjusted Fixed AML export crash when using new library with MB function blocks
Added “Add Additional Node to FB” to specific updates
Fixed Admin restrictions for profiles
Added profiles into application parameters Specific project settings moved to profiles SAS system layer definitions moved to profiles Added extra AML export method (older AML library version) into profiles Added warning into AML export log when AML library version in network storage does not match selected AML export method in profile Added drawing exclusion in AML export when AML export disabled in drawing frame shape data Added additional node names check in check diagram (Warns if additional node name in FB does not exist in legend) Added ability to set signal types (Digital/Analogue) on not connected OPT using signal manager AML interface class changed in AML export for OPT and Split depending on signal type (Digital/Analogue)
AML export updated according to latest AML library Added support for AML export of grouped shapes Fixed crash when exporting corrupted frame into AML Added extra warning into AML export log if unable to read data from frame Added support of warnings without downstream logic for custom blocks Fixed custom blocks list update when creating drawing from template Added additional persistent ID’s in AML export
Non valid terminal check function updated in check diagram
Added custom blocks re-initialization trigger when project name changes in frame
Analogue/Digital signal type check fixed for XOR software function
Added warning if unable to read any frame revision fields when exporting to AML
Signal type mismatch fixed in AML export
Added Blank terminal Check Diagram (checks for blank terminals that can cause AML export error)
Enabled Connection Manager for Hardware Functions and Split Dots
Add links to STID removed from specific updates
Facility/platform code visibility fixed on Black box shape
Added Normal state parameter to Safety relief valve
Added automatic set of facility/platform code on Node splitter from incoming connected shape
Added device tag popup window when FB connects to device or when connected to device FB's tag changed
Added ability to show/hide Document reference on Sequence reference shape
Added new strainers and open vent shapes into Equipment stencil
Added blank reference number and blank reference document check into check diagram
Added double-click for shape data for most of shapes
Added ability to show/hide description on Vessel and Column shapes
Added ability to disable drawing's blank project name warning in application parameters
Added ability to add/remove FB attribute via specific update
Added support of shutdown hierarchy shapes into select utility
Progress bar fixed in export to pdf
Fixed missing LB block types hierarchy excel report
Changed loading sequence of aml library from network shared folder
Fixed text alignment on sequence reference shape
Updated Custom FB/EFB utility
Added dynamic column table in SCD Copy tool
Removed unnecessary object types from AML export log
Changed Shutdown Hierarchy stencil layout
Added ability to exclude Facility/Platform code from SAS node
Default Sequence shapes Tmin/Tmax values set to "-"
Sequence shapes duration value "-" exports in AML as 0s
Updated excel reports to match current version stencils
Fixed export to PDF without client database
Added support of Node splitters in Diagram Explorer
Added support of Sequence flow lines in Connection check in Check Diagram
SCD Copy tool updated regarding changes in stencil
Self regulating valve shape data was extended with Valve type field
Typical visibility set to visible by default in function blocks
Sequence line changed to vertical
Fonts adjusted in Sequence ref. shape
Analog/Digital signal validation fixed
Added layers support in AML export
Added "S" system definition selection in application parameters
Added client database selection for PDF export with tooltips in application parameters
Fixed scale issue on sequence Step and Transition shapes
Increased maximum length of extender
Added shape select tool
Added Earth and Earth 2 shapes into electrical stencil
Added Strainer shape into electrical stencil
Added "Secondary Winding" option for Adjustable transformer shape
Added optional relay for Contactor shape
Added automatic create GUID if not exists when exporting in AML
Added additional drawing number validator when generating EFB tag
Duplicate terminals check diagram fixed
FB copy function fixed (when using Ctrl+Drag)
Signal line terminal labels aligned
Added Heater, Heater 2, Heat source and Vessel shapes support in AML export
Shape names replaced with Tags in AML export log
Added option to Enable/Disable interface signal on node splitter
Node splitter extended with additional connection point and ability set flow direction in shape data
Added Facility/Platform code and automatically generated Tag (same as EFB) for Node splitter
Added Motor (Electric) shape into Equipment stencil with AML export support
Added Text Reference Shape (process) shape
Added signal type validation (checks digital/analog terminals when shapes connected)
Added support of data signals in AML export
HOLD shape added
Added tooltips for Shutdown Hierarchy shapes in PDF export
EFB connected terminals tooltip format adjusted in PDF export
Added support of duration format in AML export
Added typical source folder into Application parameters
Notes format and font size adjusted
Two pin transmitter fixed
Typical field fixed on Function blocks
Added support of hierarchy connector in connection check
Typical implementation log adjusted
Notes position adjusted in Function block shapes
Added heater shape
Added support of persistent ID list into AML export
Hierarchy report fixed
Added multiple typical files support
Added tag replace functionality into typical implementation
AML library elements were reordered according to CAEX 3 standard
Writer information AML structure changed according to CAEX 3 standard
Added Note Ref to all shapes in stencil
Added Note Ref support in AML export
Added Device excel report
Added Shutdown Hierarchy excel report
Notes from frame included in AML export.
Shape notes linked to frame notes included in AML export
Added Notes to shapes in Main Shapes stencil
Added Sequence reference legend shape into Annotation stencil
Added ability to create Custom EFB blocks via Custom FB/EFB interface
Added export Custom EFB into AML library vendor elementary function section
Added SAS vendor selector linked to AML library vendors in Application parameters
Added Extended Log checkbox into AML export interface
Added SCD Typical stencil
Added Typical Instance ID and Typical Element Index shape data to shapes in Typical View and Typical Implementation containers
Added Typical Container check diagram
Added typical export into AML
Added AML typical implementation when exporting SCD diagram into AML
Tag and Tag visibility fields added to shapes in Equipment stencil
Valves included in Connection manager
Version 1.1.0 is major SCD Toolbox update. Many parts of software were modified, making earlier drawings not compatible with 1.1.0 version
Fixed text position on Shutdown Level shape
Fixed excel reports issue when exporting a large amount of files
Added Shutdown hierarchy support in AML export
AML library and exported AML document CAEX version changed to CAEX 3
Added scdTag shape data for most of SCD Toolbox shapes
EFB tag automatically generates when EFB is placed on SCD
EFB Tag pattern: {Facility/PlatformCode}{Drawing Number last 7 digits (taken from frame)}{FunctionType}.{EFB index (001)}
EFB index used in EFB tag generation is automatically incremented when new EFB is placed on SCD
Added automatic EFB tag rebuild when Facility/PlatformCode or FunctionType changed
Added GUID property in user-defined cells of SCD Toolbox shapes
GUID is generated when shape is exported into AML using pattern: {Shape Family}.{Shape scdTag} (for example: ElementaryFunction.L20099001.001 or FunctionBlock.A-23LST1112)
Terminal GUID is generated using pattern: {Shape's GUID}.{TerminalName}
Generated GUID is written to AML instance as it's ID
Added automatic applied terminals PowerConnIn/PowerConnOut when Electrical line connected to Electrical Reference
Added automatic applied terminals In/Out when Electrical line connected to any shape except Electrical Reference
Added automatic applied terminals SequenceFlowIn/SequenceFlowOut when signal line connected to Sequence Reference, Sequence Transition, Sequence Step, Sequence Start, Sequence End shapes
Hierarchy Input/Output Action shapes exporting into AML as EFBs. GUID is created from hidden shape data scdTag and written into User-Defined cells
Each tag of Hierarchy Input/Output Action shape is exporting into AML as FunctionBlock if FunctionBlock Type is not blank. Tags with blank fbType will not be mapped
SCD Copy Tool excel columns changed regarding new scdTag parameter
EFB tag Excel report columns changed regarding new scdTag parameter
Removed Tag validator from AML export log
Added Tag Check into Check diagram: checks for blank or duplicated tags
Auto Tag function is disabled
Custom EFB prefixes removed from Application parameters and are not used in AML export
Fixed same GUID issue after copy/paste shape
Fixed AML export crash when linking shape with no external interfaces in AML library
Fixed empty AML external interface when connected terminal is blank on SCD
Fixed wrong AML external interface RefBaseClass when Sequence Step is connected with more than two Action References
Shape's Tag set to be used as AML name if present in shape data
Added Tag labels for shapes in Main SCD Shapes stencil
Added Tag visibility property to shapes in Main SCD Shapes stencil
Separated Typical and Mode in function blocks. Typical label made draggable
Added extra connection point to Valve shapes
Version 1.0.82 was frozen for continuous use on Johan Sverdrup and some other projects before major SCD Toolbox version switch to 1.1.XX versions.
Replace shape data function adjusted to replace characters in text
Removed Save Log button from AML export
AML export log is automatically saved along with exported AML file
AML export adjusted to overwrite existing files with same name
Added FB type property into shape data of Input and Output action shapes
Fixed PDF export of multiple files
AML export log fixed
Added ability to export AML log as separate files
Added not valid terminals check in check diagram
Added support of Node Splitter shape to SCD Copy tool
Shutdown Hierarchy stencil updated
Exported to PDF/AML file names fixed
Added node to tooltips in PDF export
Added tooltips for constants in PDF export
Reference shapes shape data names changed
Arrows removed by default in Minor/Major process, data, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic lines
Added double arrow option in shape data for General signal line
Fixed text margins in Sequence flag shape
Updated connection manager behavior. Connection manager will popup for not existing terminals when SF or FB type changed
Added automatic fill of tag instrument regarding EFB type (OR/AND/etc.) when Use Custom Tag is enabled
Added highlight effect on duplicate tags in SCD AutoTag EFB
Report (AML/Excel/PDF) windows refactored
All Excel report buttons stored as dropdown in SCD Tab
Fixed formatting issue in Excel reports
Added shutdown hierarchy stencil
Fixed custom function block export into AML library
Fixed EFB custom tags Enable/Disable specific update
Shape deleting disabled when Replace shape data window is open
Font changed to Arial Narrow 10pt in Condition Reference and Action Reference shapes
Added ability to attach sequence Action Reference shapes
Shape deleting disabled when AutoTag window is opened
Added function to list tags without updating them in AutoTag utility
Added Timeout annunciation (Event/Warning/Alarm) to Sequence Step shape's shape data. AML mapping included
Updated SCD Sequence Symbols stencil
Added Sequence Reference shape
Added sequence shapes support in AML export
Added Replace Shape Data functionality
Changed Non SCD shape check in Check Diagram
Added ability to update multiple files or files in selected folder in Update Diagram and Specific Updates
Fixed AML export linking error when AML export included attribute set to 'No'
Fixed utility windows behavior
Open shape data using mouse double-click added for sequence shapes
Added Non SCD shapes check to check diagram utility
Blank node number checks in check diagram utility were extended to show empty System field
Sequence shapes were included in Export to PDF with STID links
Sequence shapes were included in SCD Copy Tool
Fixed function blocks template types mismatch when exporting to PDF
Changed Text box shape (text should be written through shape data)
Added use custom tag parameter to constant shape
Constant shape included in SCD AutTag EFB utility
Optimized and updated Shape Data parameters arrangement diagram update
Extended SCD Auto Tag EFB utility
Added filters to SCD Auto Tag EFB utility
Added EFB Tag Excel report (includes new Custom EFB Tag and old AML name)
EFB Custom Tags Enable/Disable specific updates were extended with ability to select nodes
Fixed suffix issue in SCD Auto Tag EFB utility
Added SCD Auto Tag Utility
"Enable Connection Helper" parameter moved to Application Parameters window
Added specific update to change Calibri font to Arial with size decremented by 2pt
Added new Textbox shape to Annotation stencil
"Unique ID" warning removed from AML log
Exported AML file and AML export log file names adjusted
Added page connectors consistency excel report.
Fixed software function signal type synchronization with connection manager issue.
AML tag name validator modified
Added automatic writing of drawing title into file metadata when saving drawing file
Added two specific updates for setting software function's "Use Custom Tag" parameter to "Yes" or "No"
Added "Use Custom Tag" for Inverters, Pulses, Splits and Timers
Exported AML file names adjusted
Fixed frame revision records in SCD Copy Tool
Fixed AML tag name duplication error message in AML export log
Added ability to export AML as separate files
Adjusted revision cloud shape's line thickness
Mass SCD Duplication naming changed to SCD Copy Tool.
Added ability to create master excel data file from multiple files or files in folder in SCD Copy Tool.
Fixed frame information updating in SCD Copy Tool
Added drawing frame notes field to SCD Copy Tool
Added AML Name column to excel data file in SCD Copy Tool
Added Note shape support in SCD Copy Tool
Added support of grouped text in custom shapes in SCD Copy Tool
Adjusted table sorting in master excel data file in SCD Copy Tool
Frame font adjustment fixed
Frame font unlock, frame font adjust and frame font lock specific updates combined
Added automatic loading of standard SCD Toolbox stencils when drawing opened or new drawing created
Added Mass Scd Duplication functionality
Added custom tag for Software and Hardware functions
AML export refactored
Excel reports drawing number from frame detection fixed
AML Analogue/Digital terminal mapping on optional functions fixed
Added default alphabetical order for custom function block list in Custom Function Block editor
Black Box text adjusted
System Codes update diagram fixed
Fixed optional terminals tooltip in export to PDF
Constant shape included in Blank terminal fill Diagram Update
Folder browse window updated
Added BlackBox shape with dynamic connection points
Subsea nodes added to Diagram Explorer All Tags section
"Other" section added to Diagram Explorer
Added possibility to set custom Facility/Platform code via Specific updates
Added HIPPS system (colors and behavior like ESD)
Terminals tooltip made optional in export to PDF
Added ability to paste terminals in Custom Function Block editor
Added Export to excel and Import from excel for terminals in Custom Function Block editor
Terminal Type fixed when cloning terminals
Timer and Pulse shapes refactored to fix alignment with basic Visio grid and terminal name rotation issue
Fixed bug with unremovable Facility/Platform code prefix for elementary functions in AML export
Signal type missmatch fixed in AML export
Added Blank terminal Check Diagram (checks for blank terminals that can cause AML export error)
Enabled Connection Manager for Hardware Functions and Split Dots
AML RevisionRecord date format fixed
Note shape RefBaseSystemUnitPath in AML changed to StructureClassLibrary/DocumentElementStructure
AML document structure adjusted (fixed missing or incorrect line breaks and indentation)
Fixed exported PDF with STID links file name
Added automatic filling of In/Out terminals when connecting signal line to Electrical Reference, Process Reference, Logic Reference and Double Reference shapes
AML export terminals fixed
AML export blank terminal validation added
Links to STID fixed
Added software function names, connected objects and terminals on exporting to PDF with STID links
Added Project Initials to parameter menu. When set, Project Initials is appended to STID links
Added ability to export multiple drawings to PDF with STID links
Added Frame font fix to Specific updates
Added Lock/Unlock frame's fonts to Specific updates
Tags fixed Diagram explorer and Aml export. Current architecture: [Platform Code]-[drawing number].[text prefix].[Shape name]
Fixed duplicated platform code in some tags in Aml export and Diagram Explorer
Added ability to load Aml Norsok Library from selected folder in Application Settings menu
Extra generic parameter 'Function Block vendor name' was added
Added ability to set report folder for each report separately
"All Tags" tab was added in Diagram Explorer
Platform code was included in hierarchy in Diagram Explorer
Added prefix for elementary functions in Diagram Explorer if enabled in Application parameters menu
Damper connection points fixed in stencil
Revision triangle SWCR text field alignment fixed
Platform code added to EFB in AML export
Application parameters form (application settings) was added
Add text prefix for elementary functions in aml export
Added batch reports
Custom function blocks. Added possibility to export vendors blocks into NorsokLibrary
Added sharing Norsok library via network folder
Fixed performance drop issue on windows 10
Added ability to display and clone standard Norsok Function Blocks in Custom FB Editor
Type column in custom fb terminal editing interface changed to dropdown list for picking Analogue/Digital/Undefined types
Added multiple file support for Custom FB import
Added Signal Manager for defining Digital/Analogue terminals if Mixed signal type is used
Added ability to set Digital/Analogue terminal type using Connection Manager
Added Signal Type Check to CheckDiagram
Fixed unknown signal interface type warnings in AML export
Data types corrected in AML export (boolean type for TRUE/FALSE; float used if measurement units are present; string for others)
Blank Facility/Platform Code Check added for Timers/Inverters/Pulses to CheckDiagram
Added ability to export to PDF with STID links wihout saving drawing
Added popup message after saving AML and AML export log
Facility/Platform Code was added to Node Splitter
Damper shape's actuator size adjusted
Two extra disconnector shapes were added to SCD Electrical stencil
Copy/Paste shape data functionality was added
Blank node number in constants check was added to Check Diagram
Node splitter logics was fixed
Node splitter SAS system check in Check Diagram was fixed
Default layer set to "Revision" for Revision Triangle, Revision line, Revision Rectangle and Revision Cloud shapes in Annotation stencil
During last 8 months we were maturing AML export functionality and finally it is ready for public distribution. Version 1.0.42 is cumulative update including all changes after 1.0.21 version.
Hotfix (fixed Split's warning error).
#scs function block was added into norsok aml library
Warning alarms were included into FB terminals report
Added "Remove links to STID" to specific updates.
Fixed export to pdf with links to STID.
Added custom #SBB and #SCS function blocks to aml library.
FB report from multiple drawings hotfix
Open file message after exporting to PDF instead of open folder
Fixed bug with save Drawing1 message after exporting to PDF
Currently opened diagram no longer closes after exporting other files to AML
Check Diagram Window start-up location was set to upper left corner on screen
Automatic restore of “Centre selection on zoom” to its default value after zooming shape on click
Added “Check All” button to Diagram Updater, Specific Updater and Check Diagram window
Optimized Diagram/Specific Updater (skipped unnecessary loading on start-up)
Check can be executed for each Diagram/Specific Update individually and can be cancelled while executing
“Clone” button added to Custom Function Block Manager
“Clone” button added to Terminals of Custom Function Block when managing
Added possibility to manage order for terminals of Custom FB when managing
Added possibility to adjust Reference Text field width independently of reference shape for Logic, Process and Double-sided References
Fixed Revision Rectangle pattern in Annotations stencil
Added “Export to pdf + STID links" button to SCD tab of main Visio ribbon (Exporting drawing to PDF with STID hyperlinks, but not placing them on diagram)
AML export fixed
Fixed Timer mapping in AML export
AML library export temporary disabled.
Split Dot mapping fixed in AML.
Custom Function Blocks #ARB, #ASC, #KA, #TRIG added to aml.
Added AML library export (can be found in Utils tab in Export To AML form).
Included AML editor setup (can be found in Utils tab in Export To AML form).
Warning terminals check fixed in Check Diagram.
Added creation of hyperlinks to STID in Specific Diagram Updater.
Fixed Signal Type default value for Constant after adding input field diagram update.
Added Constant signal type adjustment to Specific Update.
Unique EFB names added to AML export.
Fixed decimal numbers in AML export.
Diagram update and Specific update sets Constant shape signal type to “Digital” if value is 1, 0, True, False (not case-sensitive), otherwise sets to “Analogue”
Fixed bug with shape identification by toolbox after it was placed in custom (favorites) stencil
Added critical update to Update Diagram. It will update all shapes to match identification function mentioned above
Fixed frames stencil and frame detection in AML export.
Automatic In/Out terminals filling when connecting signal line to Sequence Flags.
Fixed Custom Function Block terminals in Connection Manager.
Fixed Extender connection points after changing extender configuration.
Sequence report drawing number fixed.
Missing sequence number in sequence report fixed.
Added unique System number with Drawing number hash to AML exported logic block names.
Mult software function fixed in AML export
Facility/Platform Code included in Propagation Manager.
Nodes U & L added to PCS tab in Diagram Explorer.
FB report excel file title fixed.
Added ability to mass set Facility/Platform Code (A, B, D, L, R) using Specific Updates.
Constant default signal type set to Analogue.
Add signal type field for constant was included in Update Diagram.
Added third signal type option (Mixed) for "#" Software Function.
Third option is visible only when "#" type of Software Function is selected. Mixed signal type is mapped as Undetermined when exporting AML.
Extender was extended up to 10 connection points per shape's corner.
Extender connection point spacing was fixed to match Sequence shapes. Each point was duplicated to match Sequence references and for other connection flexibility, so by selecting 10 points at Extender Manager you will get 20 points with lesser spacing between them.
Connection manager now marks terminals already in use on connecting signal and restricts selection.
Function Block Terminals report added.
Sequence report added.
Fixed multiple file selection for AML export.
Global resource optimization and performance tweak.
Check Diagram "Inner Shape Connection Error" removed
Function Block Copy/Paste functionality fixed
Stencil fonts and text size fixed
Connected terminals on signal lines made movable, resets location after disconnected
Warning terminals WH/W moved closer to Function Block
"AML Note" shape renamed to "Note" and moved to SCD Annotation stencil
"Note" shape icon changed
"Note" shape data parameters added (Note Text and Note Ref ID)
Added SCD Annotation stencil
CAEX path parameter set to hidden
Electrical Reference "Tag Number" parameter renamed to "Typical reference"
InterNode and Causer Effect report temporary disabled
Added new Function Block Report functionality (report from multiple files)
Opt function fixed
In/Out terminals mapping fixed for sequence and electrical shapes in AML export
Warning and Alarm terminal textbox validation added to Diagram check
Node splitter stencil fixed, added connection point
Automatic signal line color change on Node Splitter left/right system parameter change
Automatic Node Splitter left/right system set when connecting signal line
Added Dominant parameter to software function (M) stencil, included in Diagram Update
Added dominant visualization for Reset and Set terminals when connected to Memory Block, included in Diagram Update
Fixed Function Block Copy/Paste bug
Added CAEXpath property for devices stencils for manual AML mapping of custom shapes
Added blank node number validation for Function Blocks to Diagram Check
Added blank node number validation for Software Functions to Diagram Check
Added SAS System validation for Node Splitter to Diagram Check
Diagram Explorer interface update
Added Node Number to diagram explorer
Software Functions, Timers, Inverters and Pulses added to Diagram Explorer
Added Excel PageReference report
Added InputParameter property (digital/analog)
Added Progress Bar to AML exporeter interface
Added SCD Note shape into stencil for AML exporting purpose
Frame border is fixed (Revision and Title is exported into page node's Version and Description fields)
Revision Triangle stencil fixed
Added second column to FrameBorder's Note
Added Aml Norsok library v. 0.0.7
Added digital/analog property for Split, Opt and Const
Added Electrical equipments and Additional scd equipment stencils
Automatic X and Y terminal pick and hiding label after connecting to Pulse, Inverter and Timer shapes
Timer and Pulse fix in AML export
Norsok SCD AML Library 0.0.6 added
Duplicate centrifugal fan shape was removed from SCD Equipment stencil (Centrifugal fan shape can be found in HVAC stencil)
Adjusted Software Function stencil (Analog/Digital signal option can only be set for "Split" or "#" software functions)
AML Export devices names fixed
AML Export extender fixed
AML Export warning section fix (interfaces display correctly)
AML Export devices names fixed
Two Pin Transmitter AML validation fixed
Duplicates tag names and warnings improvements in AML export function
Two Pin Transmitter fixed in stencil
Duplicate Terminal Check function fixed
New Diagram Check functionality.
Duplicate terminals validation added to Diagram check.
Wrong terminal usage on Software Functions validation added to Diagram check.
Missing signal lines node number validation added to Diagram check.
New Diagram Updater interface.
X1-X10 and Y1-Y10 terminals default visibility changed to invisible for Software Functions (OR, &, Split).
Signal lines stencil size changed.
SCD Number column added to FB excel report.
About window added with information about SCD ToolBox including verrion.
AML export interface improovments.
AML export included parameter was added to all SCD shapes.
Automatical appending of extra interfaces for aml nodes functionality was added in AML export.
Function Block XY coordinates added to AML export.
Input parameter with Value Unit and DataType was added to AML export.
Detection of drawing border and export of corresponding text blocks adde to AML export.
Document drawing attributes were added to AML export.
AML export Valves and Dampers attributes fix.
AML export devices, reference triangle and frame notes fix.
Facility/Platform Code parameter added to Update Diagram functionality.
Fixed output terminals for software functions.
Fixed Reference (Logic lines) connection points.
General Signal Platform Code property added to Update Diagram functionality.
All Function Block terminals were rechecked and added missing.
Returned Connection manager for Split function.
Fixed IO terminals for Split function.
Fixed Reference Number field auto resize on text length functionality in Reference shape.
Major Process Line, Minor Process Line, Hydraulic Line, Pneumatic Line shapes were moved from Equipment to SCD Shapes stencil.
Pump Shape was updated.
3-Way Block Valve, 3-Way Control Valve shapes were updated.
Added "Equinor Frame".
Added Platform Code property for Software Functions and Signal lines.
Fixed Electrical reference resize behavior based on text length.
Added Type (MCC/THY/VSD) property for Electrical reference.
Fixed Function Block tag alignment and comment field margins.
Added Split (Dot) shape with same behavior as software function split.
Added missing terminals for MB and SBC function block.
“Off-line reference” renamed to “Reference text”.
Extenders were integrated in function blocks and software functions, added Extender Manager which is called from right mouse button menu.
Old extender shape was removed from stencil.
Function block Warnings and other terminal labels were moved closer to function block.
Fixed terminal visibility for software function.
Reference Number field size fixed for reference shape.
Added “No Action” option to “On Signal Loss” property of valves.
Unnecessary properties of Pump was removed.
Default visibility value of Pump’s center circle was changed to invisible.
“B” was added to list if Facility/Platform code list.
Default values of Function blocks were aligned.
Default type of software function was changed to “S”.
Shapes were reorganized in SCD HVAC stencil.
Added Hydraulic Line to SCD Equipment stencil.
Added Pneumatic Line to SCD Equipment stencil.
Added "Warning WH"/"Warning WL"/"Warning WV"/"Warning W" shape data to corresponding blocks. After selecting appropriate option to "Yes", warning text (e.g. WH) appears near to the function block. User can select text (First click selects FB, second click selects text) and adjust it's location on drawing.
Hide option for terminal names is added to connection helper (called on adding connection) and signal shape data. For X and Y hiding is set automatically (but could be adjusted by user).
Added Off-line reference text to shape data of process and logic connections.
Legs can be now selected for two-pin transmitter (first click selects whole shape, second click selects leg) and adjusted.
Added shape data option to show analogue feedback on control valves..
Corrected extender connection points.
Fixed terminal selection when connecting signal to extender on software functions.
Added double sided process references.
Added BXH/BXL terminals to SBE block.
FB shape data fields sorted for convenient input.
Shape data comment field hidden for compact FB's.
Function block highlighting option added.
Disable connection helper setting added.
ZSL/ZSH valves added.
Added Excel report, listing FB's on drawing.
Check valve with arrow added
Back pressure regulating valve added
HVAC D&ID stencil added
Valves were moved to "Valves" layer. "Normally open/closed" property works correctly now.
SBB block added.
"Update diagram to installed version" feature added. It allows to update existing diagrams to match current version of solution.
Facility and system codes for Johan Sverdrup Project
MS Visio x64 support added (x64 version is distributed on request)
Custom Function Block Editor added
BCH terminal added to CA block
FDH, FDL, RX terminals added to HB block