

Drawing into table

SCD Toolbox Reports can be found in SCD Tab of Visio ribbon menu.
SCD Toolbox allows user to create every report from currently opened diagram as well as from multiple files.
When Files option is selected in Exprot From field, Browse button sould be used to select a path to desired file.
Hold Ctrl button to select multiple files via file pick dialog window.

Function blocks report (FB report) prints to MS Excel a table of all function blocks used in SCD (or SCDs) along with their tag, type, node, comments, typical, mode and notes.

Function blocks terminals report (FB Terminals report) prints to MS Excel a table of all used function block terminals along with function block type and tag.

Sequence report prints to MS Excel a table of sequences with function block tags, conditions and service descriptions.
Note that this MS Excel book has 2 pages, In and Out, containing data of incoming and outgoing signals correspondingly.

Valve report prints to MS Excel a table of all valves used in SCD with their tag, connected FB type, shape stencil, position on signal loss and notes.

Page connectors consistency report prints to MS Excel a table of all cross-page connectors and references, along with their reference numbers, drawing numbers and texts.
Note that this MS Excel sheet consists of two parts, From and To, containing data of incoming and outgoing signals correspondingly.
In order to perform connectors consistency check correctly, Folder export option has to be selected on Page connectors consistency report window as shown on the screen below.
SCD Toolbox will go through all visio files in the selected folder searching for cross-page connectors and comparing their numbers and drawings they refer to. In case references with same numbers have fields Drawing number and Reference matching, OK mark will be displayed in A column. Otherwise no mark is shown.

EFB tag report prints to MS Excel a table of all software functions (including pulses, timers and invertors) and constants used in SCD with their names, function types, nodes, tags and notes.

Hierarchy report is used for Shutdown Hierarchy diagrams. It prints to MS Excel a table of all shapes from Shutdown Hierarchy stencil used in SCD with their types, tag names, FB types (where relevant), nodes, typicals and descriptions.

Devices report prints to MS Excel a table of all process shapes (including vessels, transmitters and etc.) used in SCD with their tags, names and shape types.
This report also displays if FB connected to the process shape has the same tag.